Welcome to Qualified Pet Services!


Meet & Greet

All Pets: $0

Drop-in Visit

Dogs (30 minutes)

Adult Dog: $30

Additional Adult Dog: +$25

Puppy (dogs under a year): $32

Additional Puppy (dogs under a year): +$27

Cats (30 minutes)

Adult Cat: $25

Additional Adult Cat: +$15

Kitten (cats under a year): $27

Additional Kitten (cats under a year): +$17

Other (30 minutes)

Pocket Pet/Fish Enclosure: $20

Additional Pocket Pet/Fish Enclosure: +$5

Reptile/Bird Enclosure: $25

Additional Reptile/Bird Enclosure: +$8


Upgrade to 1 hour: +$23

Upgrade to 2 hours: +$35

Upgrade to 3 hours: +$47

Upgrade to 4 hours: +$59

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$20*

*Holiday Fee is only on the actual day of the holiday and will be applied to each individual Drop-in Visit.


Adult Dog: $25

Additional Adult Dog: +$15

Puppy (dogs under a year): $30

Additional Puppy (dogs under a year): +$20


Upgrade to 1 hour: +$20

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$20*

*Holiday Fee is only on the actual day of the holiday and will be applied to each individual Walk.

Overnight Pet Sitting

Dogs (maximum 12 hours per night)

Adult Dog: $50

Additional Adult Dog: +$35

Puppy (dogs under a year): $60

Additional Puppy (dogs under a year): +$40

Cats (maximum 12 hours per night)

Adult Cat: $40

Additional Adult Cat: +$25

Kitten (cats under a year): $50

Additional Kitten (cats under a year): +$35

Other (maximum 12 hours per night)

Pocket Pet/Fish Enclosure: $30

Additional Pocket Pet/Fish Enclosure: +$5

Reptile/Bird Enclosure: $35

Additional Reptile/Bird Enclosure: +$8


Upgrade to Overnight+Day Stay (> 12 hours per day): +$45

Upgrade to Overnight+Day Stay ≥ 4 Pets (> 12 hours per day): +$65

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$40*

*Holiday Fee is only applied to the actual day of the holiday.

Pet Taxi


A to B: $50 flat rate per trip for the first 10 miles, +$1.50 per mile over

B to A: $50 flat rate per trip for the first 10 miles, +$1.50 per mile over

Additional Dog: +$15


A to B: $45 flat rate per trip for the first 10 miles, +$1 per mile over

B to A: $45 flat rate per trip for the first 10 miles, +$1 per mile over

Additional Cat: +$10


Add-on Stay for Appointments (per hour): +$20

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$15*

*Holiday Fee is only on the actual day of the holiday and will be applied to each individual trip.

Medication Administration


Dog: $30

Additional Dog: +$15


Cat: $25

Additional Cat: +$10


Additional Restraint Fee: +$20**

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$15*

This is an independent service, otherwise included with drop-in and overnight stays.

*Holiday Fee is only applied to the actual day of the holiday.

**Additional Restraint includes an extra Pet Service Provider and/or additional safety equipment.


Dogs & Cats

Nail Trim (clippers only): $17

Anal Gland Expression (internal): $30


Additional Restraint Fee: +$20**

Same-Day Booking Fee: +$25

Next-Day Booking Fee: +$15

Holiday Fee: +$15*

*Holiday Fee is only applied to the actual day of the holiday.

**Additional Restraint includes an extra Pet Service Provider and/or additional safety equipment.

How Does Pricing Work?

The highest-priced pet is the base price, everything else is an add-on (signified by the +). For example, if you have a puppy and an adult dog it would be the base price for the puppy and the add-on price for the adult dog.

You can also fill out a Booking Request Form and we can make you an estimate!