Welcome to Qualified Pet Services!


Payment Policy

Qualified Pet Services will invoice you prior to the completion of the booking. You must pay the invoice(s) by the due date(s) specified. For regular bookings, payment is required 3 days prior to the first booking date. For holiday bookings, payment is required 7 days prior to the first booking date. Same-day bookings must be paid prior to the start of the booking.

If payment is not received by the specified due date, a late fee will be applied the first day the payment is overdue. The late fee will be 5% of the outstanding balance.

Unpaid or overdue invoices may result in the suspension or termination of the booking(s). Qualified Pet Services has the right to not serve you in the future due to violations of our policies.

Payment Methods

Payment will be made to Qualified Pet Services via digital payment using a credit card, debit card, or Cash App Pay through Square. Cash and check payments are also accepted but must be cleared by the payment due date, otherwise another form of payment will be required.

Card on File

You can keep a card on file per your request to use for any future transactions until you request that it be removed. Keeping a card on file is completely optional.


For regular bookings, you will receive a full refund if you cancel by 12:00 p.m. 2 days before the booking begins. If you cancel later than 12:00 p.m. 2 days before the booking begins, you will receive a 50% refund for the first 7 days of the booking, and a 100% refund for any days after that. Note: All times are based on the sitter’s time zone (Eastern Daylight Time).
If the Service Recipient shortens the length of the stay at the last minute, the cancellation policy will apply.

For holiday bookings, you will receive a full refund if you cancel by 12:00 p.m. 6 days before the booking begins. If you cancel later than 12:00 p.m. 6 days before the booking begins, you will receive a 50% refund for the first 7 days of the booking, and a 100% refund for any days after that. Note: All times are based on the sitter’s time zone (Eastern Daylight Time).
If the Service Recipient shortens the length of the stay at the last minute, the cancellation policy will apply.

For other modifications — like changing the number of pets or increasing the length of the stay — the price will be adjusted accordingly based on the additional rates.
If you want to change the dates for the booking, you wouldn’t incur a cancellation fee. Here is an example of a date change request:
Qualified Pet Services has a two-day cancellation policy for regular bookings. On Saturday evening, a Client requests to change his or her Monday through Wednesday house sitting stay to Wednesday through Friday instead. In this scenario, a cancellation penalty will not be charged.


Qualified Pet Services will not share your personal information with anyone outside of the company and will strictly be used for business purposes to contact you and complete bookings.


Photos taken by our Pet Services Providers are subject to be used for social media posts, advertisements, and our website unless requested to not be used as such by the owner of the pet.

Unsecured Pets

Cats and dogs left out in the yard or with access to a doggy-door are considered free-roaming. In the event of illness, injury, loss or death, Qualified Pet Services will not be held liable for these free-roaming pets. It is strongly advised that all pets wear an ID tag with a contact number and that they remain inside your home or confined for their own safety and welfare in your absence. If your pet has a security microchip – please provide that information during your initial consultation.


We require that you will out a Pet Emergency Contact Form prior to your booking with us. You must provide your pet(s) name(s), your name, and your phone number for form identification purposes. Then you must provide a Primary Emergency Contact along with their contact information and your Preferred Emergency Veterinary Hospital and their contact information. Other information can be filled out if applicable such as a Secondary Emergency Contact, Primary Veterinarian, and Known Allergies, Chronic Conditions, Diseases, Special Needs, or Medications.

In the event that a pet emergency arises, Qualified Pet Services will take your pet to the emergency veterinarian that you chose on the Pet Emergency Contact Form or to an appropriate facility that is available. You will be notified as soon as possible. If in the event you are out of reach, we will call your emergency contact(s). If we can not reach your emergency contacts, Qualified Pet Services will make the executive decision on Veterinary Care for your pet.

Natural Disasters

In case of a natural disaster, your Pet Service Provider will prioritize their own safety. They will promptly inform you of the situation and their efforts to ensure your pets’ safety, following local emergency protocols. If evacuation with your pets isn’t possible, they will advise you on emergency pet safety guidelines and communicate accordingly. Please note that in some emergency situations, such as severe weather conditions or evacuation orders, your Pet Service Provider may be unable to carry out scheduled visits if it compromises their safety or goes against local emergency protocols.