Going on Vacation But Your Cat Isn’t?

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Cats can get lonely

Even though you may be leaving your cat behind to go out of town, it doesn’t mean that your cat has to sit alone, bored, the whole time you are gone. Cats may be more independent than dogs but that does not mean that they can’t become depressed and lonely if left alone for too long. They deserve to be loved and cared for even in your absence. You may want to consider hiring someone to provide you with cat sitting.

What do you do if you plan to be gone for days at a time?

You can hire Qualified Pet Services! A qualified cat sitter would stay at your home to make sure that your cat has someone to give them love and attention as well as fulfilling their basic needs such as giving food and water. Your cat may also require medication to be administered daily. This is something that our staff can make sure gets done as well.

Alternatively, you can hire someone for cat sitting to drop in periodically during the day to make sure that your cat’s needs are met!

Your cat can have fun too!

Do you have cat toys or a lanai that you allow them to have access to? Just because you are away, does not mean that your cat has to be stuck inside the house. A Qualified Pet Service cat sitter would love to play with or take your cat onto the lanai. This would help to get out all of the crazy energy your cat may have! Exercise is an important element of a happy and healthy cat!

Contact us today!

Now that you know what your options are, we would love to hear from you! You can reach us by filling out a Booking Request Form. We can discuss your pet’s specific needs as well as set up a meet and greet prior to the first visit of dog sitting!