In case we are not able to get ahold of you during an emergency we need at least one Secondary Emergency Contact* other than yourself as well as your Preferred Emergency Veterinary Hospital** for your pet(s) to be taken to. If the selected Preferred Emergency Veterinary Hospital is not available to handle your pet’s emergency, the next closest emergency facility is where we would take your pet.
*Secondary and Third Emergency contacts cannot be yourself. We contact you first if there is an emergency, but if we cannot get a hold of you, we need at least one Secondary Emergency Contact who can make medical and financial decisions for your pet.
**Preferred Emergency Hospital needs to be a veterinary hospital that can handle emergency walk-ins. Many Primary Care Vets cannot facilitate emergencies.
By submitting this form, you certify that the individuals listed above have the authority to make medical and financial decisions for your pet(s) in case of an emergency.